Welcome to the United Nations Hub for Human Rights and Digital Technology. As our world becomes ever-more digital, there is a greater need for our rights to be respected both online and offline. The UN has been considering how our valuable human rights protections apply in the digital space. You can find the full scope of key texts, including standards, analysis, and recommendations emerging from the United Nations human rights mechanisms, on this site.

"Together, as we seek to recover from the pandemic, we must learn to better curtail harmful use of digital technology and to better unleash its power as a democratizing force and an enabler."
Use the search bar below to find materials on specific issues. You may also explore different themes by clicking on the boxes below. New materials will be added regularly.
SDGs and Digital Divide
Human Rights Council
Human rights implications of COVID-19 pandemic on young people
Report presented at the 51st session of HRC, which examines in detail ways to mitigate the impact of the global pandemic on the human rights of young people, including the systemic barriers they face in regards to education, employment, social security, health and participation.
Privacy, Data and Surveillance; Discrimination and Equality; SDGs and Digital Divide
Special Rapporteurs
Impact of the digitalization of education on the right to education
Report of the Special Rapporteur on the right to education, Koumbou Boly Barry, in which she addresses the risks and opportunities of the digitalization of education and their impact on the right to education.
Civic Space and Content Governance; Privacy, Data and Surveillance
Human Rights Council
Safety of Journalists
Report presented at the 49th session of the Human Rights Council that examines the impact of COVID-19 pandemic and the measures taken by States regarding the safety and work of journalists and media workers, and describes trends and good practices, including from a gender perspective.
Civic Space and Content Governance; Privacy, Data and Surveillance; SDGs and Digital Divide,
General Assembly
Sale and sexual exploitation of children, including child prostitution, child pornography and other child sexual abuse material
Report of the Special Rapporteur on the sale and sexual exploitation of children, including child prostitution, child pornography and other child sexual abuse material, Mama Fatima Singhateh
Civic Space and Content Governance; Privacy, Data and Surveillance, Security -Counter-Terrorism; Business and Private Sector
Human Rights Council
Protection of human rights in the context of peaceful protests during crisis situations
Report of the Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association, Clément Nyaletsossi Voule
Civic Space and Content Governance; Privacy, Data and Surveillance; Discrimination and Equality; SDGs and Digital Divide; Business and Private Sector; Security - Counter-Terrorism
Human Rights Council
Internet shutdowns: trends, causes, legal implications and impacts on a range of human rights
Report presented at the 50th session of HRC that provides an overview of trends in Internet shutdowns. It contains an analysis of their causes and the legal implications and the impact on human rights thereof, the roles of companies, the existing efforts to promote Internet connectivity and provide development aid, and the relevance of such efforts for detecting, preventing and responding to shutdowns, as well as a set of recommended measures for ending shutdowns and minimizing their impact.
Civic Space and Content Governance; Privacy, Data and Surveillance; Security - Counter-Terrorism; Business and Private Sector
Special Rapporteurs
Reinforcing media freedom and the safety of journalists in the digital age
Report of the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression, Irene Khan